His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Scranton, and the Office for Parish Life wish to invite couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2021 to a diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 6 at the Cathedral of St. Peter. The Mass will begin at 2:30, and attendance will require advance reservation.
To register for the celebration click here or follow this link: https://www.dioceseofscranton.org/parish-life/community/marriage/enrichment/wedding-anniversary-mass-june-6-2021/ . For questions or concerns, or if there are issues registering online, please reach out to Jen Housel, Director for Community and Family Development. (jhousel@dioceseofscranton.org, 570-207-2213 x 1104)