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We invite everyone to join together and participate in celebrating all that we have to offer at Immaculate Conception Parish. We ask that you prayerfully consider how you and your family can help your parish by financially supporting our ministries, furthering our mission, and reinforcing our future.

A Message from Father Tudgay

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Over the past year, I have had the privilege of being welcomed into your lives as your parish priest here at Immaculate 
Conception Parish. For me, getting to know you, your stories, your struggles, and your history has been a privilege beyond belief for 
me. As we adjust to the new reality of being in a linkage with another parish, I am grateful for your patience and generosity as we 
continue to move forward together. 

As we continue to strengthen our ministries and develop new opportunities to participate in parish life, I am deeply enthused 
about the increasing commitment from so many of you. This renewal in parish life also provides an opportunity for us to reflect on an 
important dimension of responsible growth for our parish. As a parish, we are a family. And as a family, sometimes we have to talk 
about our household finances. As your pastor, I am asking everyone in our parish to participate in a stewardship renewal program, 
Together in Hope

Again, as a family, our financial stability as a parish is an important aspect of how we sustainably move forward as a parish. 
Over the past year, our Parish Finance Council and I have carefully monitored our day-to-day expenses. You can see with the enclosed 
financial statement that the conclusion of the 2023-2024 fiscal year resulted in an operational deficit of $52,961. Additionally, our 
parish continues to carry liabilities owed to the Diocese of Scranton in excess of $1.2 million, which is the result of accrued operational 
losses over previous fiscal years. Our budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 shows a deficit of $28,062. My goal for the current fiscal year 
includes achieving a balanced budget as well as making some headway on our liabilities. The financial challenges that we face may 
seem daunting. For any one of us, they are. However, the mission of the Catholic Church is not the effort of any one of the Church’s 
members, but is the result of our unity in Jesus Christ, moving forward together. 

As we look to the future, I am asking each parishioner here at Immaculate Conception Parish to participate in our Together 
in Hope
stewardship renewal program. Enclosed is a commitment card, which I invite you to use to indicate your commitment to 
financially support the mission of our parish. Your generosity ensures that our parish family can move forward to meet our financial 
obligations and expand the ministries and services that we provide to nurture our faith and assist those in need. Your participation in 
Together in Hope is easy and straightforward. Fill out the online commitment card by clicking the link below.

Please know that you and your family remain in my daily prayers, and I humbly ask that I remain in yours. 

We invite you to fill out an electronic Commitment Card today! The Commitment Card has a place for you to include any prayer intentions you wish to share. We welcome all intentions and they will be prayed over during the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass. 

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